
Current options to support St Agnes Parish financially are:

Cheque — Cheques may be dropped in the mail slot of the parish or mailed. Post-dated cheques are welcomed and appreciated as well.

Pre-Authorized Giving — A pre-authorized payment plan from your bank account is also available. To enroll, please fill out this: form. You can mail or email the completed form to the parish along with copy of a void cheque. The email address is The postal address is: St. Agnes Church, 75 Bluevale Street N. Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 3R7

Interac Transfer:  From your online banking web site, you can send an Interac e-Transfer to the parish. When creating the e-transfer on your bank website, use the following value as the Recipient Email Address:

On Line Giving — The Diocese of Hamilton has provided all parishes with a secure on line giving option through Canada Helps.  This option allows you to make a secure donation directly to St. Agnes Parish (or any parish in our Diocese) using a major Credit Cards, PayPal, as well as Visa or MasterCard Gift Cards.  Once your donation is submitted on the first page, the following page will prompt you to specify the parish to which your gift will be directed. Link:

Announcements on additional ways to financially support St Agnes Parish will be coming soon.

We thank you for your support of our parish operations.